NAEC Hosts Expert Mission from IAEA
Nigeria in collaboration with the IAEA is currently hosting a 5-day Expert Mission(EM) from the IAEA on the Nigeria Research Reactor-1’s(NRR-1) Integrated Management System (IMS) at the Center for Energy Research and Training (CERT) Zaria.
The IMS is an upgraded system previously used by the IAEA for quality control and assessment to enhance safety and optimum utilization of Research Reactors. The IMS became necessary as a result of the conversion of the NIRR-1’s at CERT from High Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU).
Mr Andrea Salvini (Italy) and John Preston(Jamaica) are representing the IAEA while Prof. Sunday Jonah (Director CERT) is coordinating the programme.
The Expert Mission is expected to end on Friday 1st July 2022.